The RTP identifies the most significant transportation investments needed to meet growing travel demands throughout the Southeast Florida region (Broward, Miami-Dade, Palm Beach Counties). The horizon year of 2045 is chosen to provide time for agencies to assemble funds and complete the technical work required to design and construct the selected improvements. Important elements of the RTP include:
ASSESSES EXPECTED GROWTH OVER THE NEXT 25 YEARS: A regional transportation network that incorporates population growth and development projections for South Florida in 2045.
ASSESSES DIFFERENT SCENARIOS FOR OUR FUTURE: A plan that reflects the interaction of land use, transportation and funding opportunities through scenario planning efforts.
DEVELOPS REGIONAL-LEVEL POLICY & GUIDANCE: Regional-level policies, goals, and objectives created to help guide how and where regional-sized investments are made over the next 25-years.
IDENTIFIES WAYS TO HELP YOU MOVE THROUGH THE REGION: Investments that enhance access and mobility of the regional transportation network, while improving safety and preserving the environment.
IDENTIFIES HOW AN IMPROVED SYSTEM WILL GET FUNDED: A financial plan that lays out funding sources and mechanisms to implement RTP strategies.
IDENTIFIES WHICH REGIONAL-SIZED INVESTMENTS ARE MOST IMPORTANT: A regional prioritized plan of projects for implementation that is supported by the public.
2045 Regional Goals
A set of goals were adopted by SEFTC in 2018. These goals guide planners and engineers in the region who are identifying near and long-term projects throughout Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade counties. The sources used to develop these goals included statewide initiatives, existing and past efforts throughout the region, as well as "best practices" case studies from regions that have successfully implemented multimodal transportation systems.

2045 RTP Documents
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Nondiscrimination: Title VI, ADA and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
Through the respective MPOs, SEFTC has set a policy that assures that no person shall on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, family, or religious status, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, and the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992 be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination or retaliation under any program or activity.
For complaints, questions or concerns about civil rights or nondiscrimination; or for special requests under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact Elizabeth Rockwell at (305) 375-1881 or elizabeth.rockwell@mdtpo.org (Miami-Dade TPO), Carol Henderson at (954) 876-0058 or HendersonC@browardmpo.org (Broward MPO), or Melissa Eble at (561) 725-0813 or MEble@PalmBeachTPA.org (Palm Beach TPA).